MSM Exclusives

1 Nov, 2018

Knowing The Competition

Research And Evaluation To Stay At The Top Back when self-storage was a relatively new concept,...

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1 Nov, 2018

Top 10 Customer Complaints

Handling Issues With Finesse No one likes getting customer complaints, but, let’s face it, even...

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1 Nov, 2018

2018 Top Operators

The Industry’s Star Players Similar to last year, new supply continued to surge into the...

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1 Oct, 2018

Pink Slip Panic

10 Tips For De-Hiring Managers There are two things that are pretty certain in the job world: The...

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1 Oct, 2018

Checks For Success

Advice For Conducting Property Visits By Bobby L. Hickman Frequent, thorough property visits to...

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1 Sep, 2018

Self-Storage Franchising

Does It Work? By Marc Goodin We know franchising works for many businesses like hotels,...

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1 Sep, 2018

Clear The Table!

Putting Profits Back Into Your Pockets By Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell The numbers don’t lie. There’s...

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1 Sep, 2018

Enveloping New Profits

Add-On Services That Provide Customer Conveniences As self-storage facilities become more...

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1 Sep, 2018

Employees First!

Creating Cultures And Environments That Attract And Retain Top Talent Like the circle of life, the...

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1 Sep, 2018

Restoring Your Doors

Step-By-Step Instructions For Two Do-It-Yourself Options By CJ Steen One of the toughest questions...

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1 Sep, 2018

Wield The Five Keys

Leaving A Positive Leadership Legacy In Your Life By Jeffrey W. Foley Many successful business...

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firearms self storage

30 Jun, 2018

Firearms: Gun Storage Becomes A Unique Specialty Niche

While the national debate over gun laws and safety continues, the fact remains that a large...

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1 Jun, 2018

Automate To Proliferate

New Technology Answers The Call For Smartphone Advances Technology of the 21st century continues...

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1 Jun, 2018

Sexual Harassment

Not Just In Hollywood Or In Congress Over the last few months, the country has certainly seen a...

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1 May, 2018

What Does That Mean?

Understanding The Language Of Self-storage By Scott Zucker The self-storage business has been...

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1 May, 2018

Fable To Fact

Digging Into Industry Data By Cory Sylvester With the development cycle in its third year, the...

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1 May, 2018

The Amsdell Family Tree

Tracing The Roots Of Three Major Self-Storage Operations In 1928, Todd Amsdell’s distant relatives...

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1 May, 2018

Employee Retention

How To Keep Your “A” Players It’s a nightmare scenario for any business: A star employee suddenly...

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1 May, 2018

Underlining Elements

A Business Development Guide Over the past 15 years, many owners and operators within the...

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1 Apr, 2018

Reassessments On The Rise

Could Steep Property Tax Increases Be 2018’s Most Taxing Issue? In 2018, self-storage owners and...

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1 Apr, 2018

Marketing To Millennials

What Apple’s iPhone X Has Taught Us On Nov. 3, 2017, a new product hit the smartphone market that...

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1 Mar, 2018

Save Or Shred?

Dealing With Annoying Business-Saving Records The IRS recently reminded every self-storage...

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1 Mar, 2018

The Art Of Upselling

Fine Tuning Your Sales Techniques It’s likely that your self-storage facility has a new budget...

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1 Mar, 2018

GenV Self-Storage

A Completely Different Product By John Good and Warner Russell When asked about my profession by...

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1 Mar, 2018

Dominate The Competition

Social Media’s Best Kept SEO Secret By Poppy Behrens and Claudia Martinez Your business needs to...

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prohibited items self storage

1 Feb, 2018

Preventing the Storage of Prohibited Items

Throughout the years, self-storage tenants have stored—or attempted to store—just about anything...

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1 Feb, 2018

They Did What?

Coping Effectively With Customers Who Behave Badly By Kate Zabriskie Polite Notice: When it’s...

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1 Feb, 2018

The Changing Workforce

Training Means A Lot To Millennials By Evan Hackel When baby boomers took their first “real” jobs...

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1 Jan, 2018

Reaching The Millennial Market

Four Ways To Bring Them To Your Self-Storage FacilityGrey’s Anatomy premiered on ABC in 2005. For...

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1 Jan, 2018

An Operations Perspective

Due Diligence When Your Facility Is Being Sold By Vince Toenjes The on-site manager is critical...

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