O’Neil Achieves Milestone with oneilBridge™ Cloud Service

Posted by MiniCo on May 31, 2013 12:00:00 AM

O’Neil Achieves Milestone with oneilBridge™ Cloud Service

Today’s world is full of emerging technologies. And O’Neil believes that cloud computing is among the most important. This technology will present a unique opportunity for competitive advantage, for those records center owners and managers who recognize and navigate through the market’s changes faster and better than others.

As the adoption of cloud services continues to expand at an ever increasing pace, O’Neil’s new cloud service, known as oneilBridge, is no exception. The service has quickly reached a milestone, with more than 500,000 items being managed in 13 countries around the world.

“Predicting the future is always an interesting and challenging proposition, especially when the topic is as dynamic as technology. However, it does appear that 2013 will be dominated by mobile computing, social technologies and cloud developments,” notes Ian Thomas, Executive Vice President of O’Neil. “The O’Neil investment in cloud services has quickly provided a tangible benefit to our clients and their customers, as evidenced by the worldwide use of our oneilBridge service. The ability for end users to manage assets stored at the many record centers utilizing O’Neil’s RSSQL® software, in concert with their Enterprise Content Management System (ECM) has proven to be a compelling solution.”

He continues: “In today’s fast paced business environment, records center managers are looking for innovative solutions that assist with the management of corporate records whether on-site, or stored at off-site commercial records center facilities. O’Neil, in conjunction with our Certified Partners, is making this a reality.”

About O’Neil Software

Committed to leading the industry for over 30 years, O’Neil has been the software and hardware solutioneers™ for over 1,000 record centers in more than 80 countries, ranging from start-ups to multi-nationals. Regional coverage includes the Americas; Europe, Middle-East and Africa (EMEA);and Asia Pacific (APAC). For more information, visit their website at www.oneilsoft.com.

About O’Neil DataTech LLC

O’Neil DataTech is a provider of cloud-based commercial records management solutions and a wholly owned subsidiary of O’Neil Software, Inc. For more information, visit their website at www.oneildatatech.com.
